Recreation Ground

 Recreation Ground

PavilionThe Recreation Ground covers some 3.25 acres and is owned by the Parish Council. It is registered as part of the Queen Elizabeth II Fields in Trust which protects it inperpetuity as an outdoor recreational space within the community. The Ground includes a pavilion, a cricket pitch, a tennis court and a children's playground, which has recently been upgraded.

The ground is the home ground of the East Dean Cricket Club. The ground is sometimes also used for Stoolball team matches. 

Pavilion for Hire

PavilionThe Pavilion is available for private hire, subject to availability, at £43.20 for half a day (morning or afternoon) and £55.68 for a day (morning and afternoon). All rates include VAT and an allowance for cleaning. The building has a kitchenette with a sink, frig/freezer, water boiler, a selection of crockery and cutlery, and tables and chairs. There are two changing rooms with showers and wc's.

The Pavilion is also available for long-term hire.

The Cricket Club use the Pavilion most weekends during the playing season.

For further information or to make a booking, contact 

Tennis Court - The tennis court is permanently open and the tennis nets are left up during the summer period. There's no charge for using the court. All we ask is if others are waiting for a game you take this into account in you timings.

Cricket Club

Cricket Club

East Dean and Friston Cricket Club is a friendly club. We play competitive cricket on Saturday in East Sussex League, Division 1 and competitive but friendly games on Sunday.

The 2019 season finished with a grand climax as we played a T20 match against a Sussex County "Past and Present" side. We are now "recharging our batteries" over the winter and looking forward to next year's season.

Each cricket season, we welcome new players, especially local village cricketers who are encouraged to make themselves known to the Saturday/Sunday captains (see below), or email the Club

The club welcomes everyone with an interest in cricket, regardless of age, sex or ability and abilities.

We hope each season will be enjoyed by players and spectators alike.

As well as playing cricket, we also prepare the wickets, make legendary match teas, score the games, have occassional beerss after the game, laugh and have silly banters after the game and also organise the social activities including the annual dinner & awards evening.

For more information on the history of the club and its recent activities click here.

Saturday Contact: 
Josh Varney
Sunday Captain:
Mark Pankhurst
T: 01323 423334
Playground Project

Playground Part of the Recreation Ground comprises a fenced playground area which is very well used by residents and visitors alike. However, some of the equipment was old with associated increasing maintenance costs and some was in disrepair. Substantial expenditure was required in order to make the existing play area comply with current Health & Safety RoSPA advice.

In 2016 the Parish Council recognised that the necessary refurbishment could include an upgrade, in order to extend the age range, play value, suitability and accessibility of the equipment.

The upgrade initiative started with some basic fact finding including a survey of parents and children (and grandparents). The majority of adults consulted considered much of the equipment to be limited, especially for the very young and older children, and needed updating. Accessibility was also of concern. Modern play equipment increases play value by combining multiple features and skills development (balance, co-operation, agility, strength, communication). Multi-use equipment also means better value for money and broader appeal for all.

The Parish Council therefore embarked on planning an ambitious refurbishment programme, with Phase I to include removing some of the old equipment, installing a new Kanope play structure, and retaining some of the newer existing kit; all to provide a wider variety of activities for children. Play value, accessibility, safety, durability, cost and environmental sensitivity were all considered.

The cost of Phase I was estimated to be in the region of £36k (excl VAT). Extra cost will also be incurred for replacement fencing around the play area.

In 2017 the Parish Council sought grant aid for the project from various agencies. Demand is high for this sort of thing, and there is fierce competition for limited funds. We were therefore delighted to be successful in obtaining grant support from The Big Lottery Fund (£10,000) and from SGN (£1,000). A further £3000 was offered by the developer of the new houses adjacent to the recreation ground, in return for allowing a rainwater soakaway to be installed on the field. The new multi-play equipment was ordered at the end of 2017 and installed during April 2018. It includes slides, cabins, a climbing wall and ropes (see above illustration) and is already proving very popular with children from the village and visitors. Most of the existing equipment on site will remain; it is fundamentally in good condition, popular with families, and blends in with its environment. All the current equipment has undergone minor repairs  and monitoring will continue. An annual inspection by RoSPA was carried out in June 2019, as a result of which some remedial work was identified and carried out. During the Autumn/Winter of 2019 the perimeter fence is being replaced to improve the safety of users and security of the equipment.