Community Watch / Neighbourhood Watch

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Neighbours helping Neighbours

East Dean, Friston, Birling Gap & Crowlink

Do you need help with

walking the dog
a lift to the GP or hospital or a village event
company for a loved one while you go out
small D.I.Y jobs you can't manage
a chat over a cup of tea
changing a light bulb
someone to go for a walk or read to you
or anything else a friendly volunteer might do?

This village service is


Simply phone one of our co-ordinators on

423311 or 423101 or 423611

and we will do our best to find a local volunteer to help you

We are not able to offer advice involving nursing or health concerns, benefits or legal/financial matters, but we can provide details of organisations that may be able to assist.


Neighbourhood Watch
Please report any suspicious behaviour on 101, or on 999 if it is an emergency. Report any incident at the time of seeing it;
the police would like to reassure people that they do pick up these reports and act upon them as best they can

Police warning on scams - click here

East Dean & Friston’s approach to Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is a joint initiative between the Residents' Association and the Parish Council. We are not a member of any National or Regional NHW scheme but we do share the same aims of bringing neighbours together to create a strong, friendly and active community.

At the core of the ED&F scheme are the two email registers maintained by the RA and PC, and this NHW webpage. These are used to advise residents of NHW related information with the RA taking the lead and focusing on local information and advice, including related police notices and updates on scams etc, whist the PC tends to deal with high level NHW general information (amongst other things). To have your email address included on one or both of the registers, send your name and email details to and/or

A number of homes in the Parish do not have access to emails/internet.
Please be neighbourly and keep neighbours advised.
Watch out for vulnerable neighbours.

 If there is anything related to NHW you think we should be sharing let us know via one of the above emails.

Here are some links to related websites/pages.

The Parish Council has joined the East Sussex Against Scams Partnership (ESASP) to raise awareness about the impact of scams on local residents. Click here for info on the initiative.